Thursday, April 25th at The Radisson Plaza Hotel, Kalamazoo

A reception with light appetizers starts at 4 p.m. with the event program at 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The CIS Champs Celebration is a unique annual celebration where a select group of individuals and community partners are honored for their contributions to creating an engaged community where every child fulfills his or her promise. This is the 17th year of this special event where business and community leaders, donors, educators, volunteers, and others gather to recognize those who are making a difference in our kids' lives.

To learn more about this year's event, recipients, or FAQ, visit:

Register to join us!


Hosted By

Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo
Questions, please reach out to Felicia Lemons.


Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center, West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI, USA